Keeping Yourself Awake During A Road Trip


Taking a road trip is fun especially when you do it your way. You don’t have to deal with a crowd of a public transport. You can also take a rest anytime you want and need. However, it is pretty challenging to stay alert while driving especially when you take such a long road trip. Keeping yourself awake without feeling tired is possible but you need to know the tricks. 

The importance of staying awake while driving

it is obviously dangerous to drive while you are sleepy or feeling drowsy. If you take a long drive, it is easy for your body to feel drained. You are also at high risk of being dehydrated if you keep forgetting to take a break and drink. Even sleep for few seconds while driving can lead to deathly disaster not only for you but also others. Staying alert and awake is a must while driving to avoid any accidents. 

Here are some tips for you to stay alert and awake during a road trip

Be prepared

For a road trip, you have to be prepared with everything you are going to need regardless or whether or not you can buy the necessities on the road. Pack everything you need from clothes to foods and drinks so you don’t have to pull over somewhere or stop at dangerous places. Also, prepare your car few days before the trip so you are sure everything is under control for a safe trip. Then, take a good night sleep so you won’t feel drowsy when hitting the road. 

Pack healthy snack

You will be hungry while on the road so having some healthy snacks with you will be a life saver. Choose less sugar and more protein snacks to distribute energy in constant pace. You can pack some protein bars, dried fruits, or nuts. 

Adjust to cool temperature

Keep your car a few notches below your ideal temperature because it is easier to fall asleep when you feel cozy and warm. However, don’t set the temperature that possibly make you freezing either. You can also open the window a little bit to let fresh air in and keep you awake. 

Take a break

Do not force yourself to stay awake if you feel tired or sleepy. A break will bring you more energy once you wake up. It can also help avoid headache while driving. If not sleep, you can take a break to do some stretching to get rid off of discomforts from a long drive. 

Drink caffeinated beverages

You can brew your own favorite coffee at home or buy it on the road. The caffeine and the bitterness will bring some spark to your sense and awareness. If you don’t like coffee, take energy drinks that can last about four to five hours. However, make sure to not only drink caffeinated beverages throughout the trip because it can make you dehydrate faster. Drink other liquid too such as water, juice, etc.