How to Travel That Cause Positive Impacts to Others


There are many benefits of travelling such as allowing you to learn variety of new skills, improving your mental and physical and health, and many more. However, is there any way you can travel while giving positive impacts to others?

Tourism industry plays important role to the economy. A region with steady streams of regular visitors has more opportunity to increase their income that will be beneficial for many, especially for the lives of the locals. However, it is also often that tourism brings pain instead. Many sites are damaged because of unruly travelers. Some of them can be fixed and some can’t.

How to Travel That Cause Positive Impacts to Others

How to travel while helping the lives of the others for the better?

Travelling doesn’t always have to be about booking private islands and having a private party with your friends. It is also not about making stupid dare that not only endanger yourself but also bring negative impacts to the locals. So here are things you can do to travel more responsibly and help the lives of the others for the better:

Eager to learn more about the local culture

You can do it by learning more about their language. This way, you can interact more with the locals with less barriers. Your effort to learn their language will be very much appreciated. They will be more welcoming to your visit. Also, at the end of the day, you acquire new language skill that will be useful for you in the future. Being multilingual also open more opportunities for you to grow into amazing individual. 

Support local business more when you visit a place

Eating and shopping local will bring you amazing experience during your trip. It is not only satisfying but also helping the lives of the locals. You can visit a family-run diner, farm, or winery. Purchase their fresh produce can help a lot to improve their lives for the better. For you, spending few bucks for their product might not be a problem. But for the locals, it can be such a huge contribution for their economy. 

Try to learn deeper about the local culture 

Learning about the local culture helps developing your empathy. Trough travelling, you will be able to see things you’ve never seen before. It can be a valuable life lesson for you. Not only that, having deeper and better understanding of the local culture can also help to create more positive and loving environment. 

Look for local sustainability projects

Support sustainability projects that help the locals to improve their lives. For example, you can join a sustainability project for helping local kids to get better education. You can join teaching program during your trip. Or, you can also help a project for women empowerment. By supporting this project, you help local women to learn new skills that will help their lives improved.

Share it

Share your experience of visiting places to the world. You can do it by making vlog, YouTube channel, or writing articles and post it on your website. It can help promote the local tourism to receive more visitors.