How to Have A Rocking Bali Indonesia Nightlife


In Bali, the nightlife doesn’t end until the sun comes up. When the sky finally turned dark and the lamps starts blinking out in the streets and insides, local bars and house clubs starts writhing from their long sleep during the day, luring holiday makers into their glitz and glam. Aside from its gorgeous beaches, rice terraces, and temples, the friskiness of Bali Indonesia nightlife is definitely something you shouldn’t miss. Here, we have prepared a simple recipe to have the best night out in this lively tropical island!

How to Have A Rocking Bali Indonesia Nightlife

Expect Nothing

As proven in many holiday, expectation is number 1 killer of fun, and going to a bar party is no exception. If you want to enjoy Bali Indonesia nightlife all-out, keep your expectation low and let the night presents pleasant surprises. Everyone knows that the majority of most memorable moments happen by coincide and luck, often at time when you least expect it. 

Don’t Drive—Take Taxi Instead

If you want to have the best Bali Indonesia nightlife experience, don’t drive your own car. Seriously. The congested street of Seminyak’s Petingenget, Legian, and Canggu could drive you crazy. Don’t bother of putting stress on your way to the nightclub and waste time looking for alternative routes—let taxi do the job. Or you can book a Gojek Car or Grab Car (Indonesian’s equivalent apps for Uber) and share the car service with your friends. Turn on the radio and just have fun down the road! Taking a taxi also allows you to get as drunk! Because, well, somebody has to limit their drinking and stay sober if you decide to take your own car. 

Dress Your Game

Nothing could boost your confidence like a great dress could. It’s easy to have the best night ever when you packed high confidence and IDGAF attitude on your back. let it loose and dress like someone you always wanted to. Break down your own normal boundaries and be that person that always steal the look once they enter the room! 

Pick Your Kind of Crowd

Just like you’d like to hangout with likeminded friends, almost each bar and nightclub has their kind of crowds. Some club are popular among the teens, some other are haven for the queer communities, while other are highly attractive for the young to forties. Some boast terrific atmosphere for wild dancing with less-EDM music and more of recycle of old popular music, while other nightclub loves to feature aspiring DJ’s with their latest groovy remix. Pick up the one that would make you enjoy yourself the most. 

Hop Into Recommended Bar/ Club

There’s a reason why previous visitors made high recommendation of these bars. Perhaps they are having a blast and get the perfect Bali Indonesia nightlife at those places. It might be the drinks, the food, good music, or the bar’s great atmosphere that makes them keep coming back.  
