Tiny things better to bring before you travel


For those of you who want to travel, packing the items that will be transported during the trip is a crucial moment. If the preparation is minimal, we can forget the important things during the trip. On the contrary, things that are not so important are taken away. Well, to make your travel activities safe, comfortable and unforgettable. Yes, your passport and wallet (and probably clean underwear) deserve to be at the top of your packing list. But in a rush to remember the basics, travelers sometimes underestimate the power of the wealthy. Humble items, ranging from an empty reusable water bottle to bandages, can save time and money and go a long way in improving the quality of your trips. Here are the items we often forget to pack – and always regret not having it in our suitcase.

A first aid kit

Tiny things better to bring before you travel

Bulbs occur. So, do some scratches and scratches. Don’t be that person who ends up spending $ 7 on a pack of five bandages because you forgot to throw a few in your bag when you were packing.

Lip balm

Even if you don’t normally use lip balm, it can still be an important item to pack. Breathe the air of a dry plane, go out in the sun, eat salty food in transit – travel inevitably causes mild dehydration and chapped lips.

Reusable water bottle

Tiny things better to bring before you travel

Reusable water bottles are worth their weight when you travel. Throw your empty water bottle of your choice in your hand luggage, then fill it after airport security (if you prefer to avoid the fountains, just ask at a cafe or restaurant). When you reach your destination, your next refill is as close as the tap, as long as the water is drinkable

Hand sanitizer

The health authority recommends frequent hand washing to prevent disease. Since hygiene standards vary by destination and the trinity of handwashing with water soap is not always available, keep a small bottle of hand sanitizer in your day pack as an asset

Emergency snack

Tiny things better to bring before you travel

There are dozens of scenarios in which an emergency snack could prove useful. You arrive late at a hotel without room service. You miss your train and you find yourself stuck in a country station where live pigeons are the only source of protein. Your night connection is canceled and all stores are closed at the airport. Protein bars, nuts and other items that aren’t soft or need to be refrigerated are perfect snacks to keep in your bag.

Copies of travel documents

The last thing most people want to do when packing is to scan and print or photocopy their passports and other important documents. However, in the unlikely but serious case of the loss or theft of your passport or visa, it is very useful to have an additional copy.