Komodo Rinca Tour, Uncovering Facts About Komodo


Komodo Rinca Tour will no longer a cheap vacation for many backpackers since the Indonesian government announced that it will change Rinca Island into a “Jurassic Park”. In fact, there are still many who care about the existence of Komodo dragons as endangered animals. Komodo dragons are very rare and only found in the wild in the Komodo National Park and the island of Flores, where rare animals roam freely.

Komodo Rinca Tour, Knowing Komodo as Carnivora & Cannibals

Komodo in komodo island

This rare animal has a double house. To keep them warm at night, they make burrows for nesting. During the day, burrows keep them cool. Komodo dragons are carnivores, which means they are meat eaters. In addition, they are fierce hunters and can prey on large prey such as deer, pigs, large buffalo, and even humans. They also eat smaller Komodo dragons.

How do they prey?

komodo dragon - poison saliva

Komodo dragons have a unique way of preying on their prey. They will appear and drop their prey using their feet then using their sharp and serrated teeth to tear the prey. If the prey escapes, they will die within 24 hours of blood poisoning due to saliva. Komodo’s sense of smell is amazing. They can find animal carcasses and finish their food. If you join the Komodo Rinca Tour, especially for women, it is not allowed to explore during menstruation because the Komodo dragon’s sharp smell can become ferocious and prey on you.

How is the life of the people in Rinca island?

rinca island - dominated by the savanna

Most residents on the island of Rinca work as fishermen. You can see the houses of the inhabitants of Rinca Island with a model of a house on stilts to be safe from endangered Komodo dragons. While doing the Komodo dragon tour, you can come to the villages on the island of detail, to meet friendly people who live side by side with the Komodo dragons.

Tourism is also one of their livelihoods. To support their family, they rent boats, become guides, sell food to rent out their house as a homestay. Based on information from local guides, the Komodo dragons on the island of detail are more aggressive than those on the island of Komodo. The hot weather conditions on the island of detail and the contour which is dominated by the savanna are the causes for the dragons to become more aggressive.

Komodo dragons on the island of Komodo have a larger size. Considering that Komodo Island is predominantly forest-dominated, there is more prey than Rinca Island. Meanwhile, the distance between Komodo Island and Rinca Island is not far. It is not surprising that many providers offer Komodo Rinca tour packages to explore and see both areas with amazing sights.